Bounce Sheet #1 - 08/12/2021
- 陪
- 配
- 家
- 修
- 敏感
- 壮观
- 无聊
- 正式
- 分部
- 认生
- 镇定
- 客气
- 快了
- 占坑
- 发作
- 内藏
- 外露
- 别撞了
- 别装了
- 人与电
- 不懂事
- 打配合
- 找人玩
- 找问题
- 别乱看
- 人气旺
- 玩脱了
- 喘口气
- 掏家伙
- 没记住
- 没想到
- 价值观
- 沉住气
- 有意思
- 弹药库
- Fishing
- 好不好玩
- 意思一下
- 有感而发
- 脱胎换骨
- 浑然天成
- 整体还行
- 细嚼慢咽
- 平起平坐
- 没有恶意
- 闭门造车
- 冠冕堂皇
- 承上启下
- 趁还新鲜
- Very Bold
- 集体主义
- 不要写错
- 太过瘾了
- 独自享用
- 咬文嚼字
- 莫能量可
- 再攒一攒
- 好不好玩
- 彬彬有礼
- 浅尝辄止
- Traceless
- No Brainer
- Feels Right
- 多做深呼吸
- 夏天的身体
- 四两拨千斤
- 一切都变了
- 正在兴头上
- 没多大关系
- You do you
- Slow Down
- multi-player
- 有点儿心疼
- 常回去看看
- 不愿被打搅
- 感不感兴趣
- 不要瞎答应
- Cliff Dance
- Stay afloat
- Edge Slider
- Anti-Toxic
- a good talk
- A proposition
- Almost There
- No Mistakes
- Keep Pushing
- trapped unit
- Contribution
- single-player
- Blood & Money
- Roll a few dices
- Flip a few coins
- Touch Down
- Humble past
- Trading Post
- Get it all out
- Take it all in
- 抽时间聊聊
- Write it up
- Ponder on it
- Figure it out
- intended pun
- 出去接个电话
- 我怎嘛那么蠢
- 改到满意为止
- 终于转回来了
- 一个矫情的人
- 漫无目的的走
- A cool formula
- 你以为你看到了
- Keep Rubbing
- Boys and girls
- Lift the Stone
- Go a long way
- A large surface
- The bests outfit
- I’ll do it with you
- 切换 [口味/人设]
- 表达观点的机会
- 惬意温暖的下午
- 原来可以这么用
- 祝你们少点磕绊
- Keep the dates
- 人们更容易接受
- Hold Your Ground
- Try Something New
- I don’ fuck with that
- 余光看到的不能算
- 以谁的记录为准?
- Knowledge Worker
- I thought about it
- All Fired Up
- A Leak
- I Forgot
- Gift Shop
- Partner up
- Let it shine
- I get it now
- Just Ask
- New Forms
- Pessimsim
- It’s good work
- good timings
- Unbelievable
- Open Water
- In Progress
- I can relate
- Almost Done
- its not passive
- 就是他/她/它
- A good player
- What’s easy?
- ps. Post Script
- Keep Cracking
- It will be alright
- Face the Fear
- Human Failure
- Handsome work
- It felt like a robot
- Use it differently
- Default Position
- I can’t believe it
- Villains Speech
- Cut to the Chase
- The Connection
- Level of sanitation
- It belongs to you
- Behind the Mask
- 目睹成长的过程
- Free 72 oz Steak
- More Resolutions
- An epic relationship
- How do you use…?
- It meant a lot to me
- no one is watching
- Cross Culture Club
- Just be a tree then
- Genius ingredients
- I know who you are
- No more homework
- Different Languages
- 单纯不是什么都相信
- 对于个人经历的叙述
- Practicing to use tools
- Don’t be a perfectionist
- Don’t easily give away
- 都已经到这个地步了
- A Cherished Moment
- Borderline Vandalism
- You are already here
- Put a cherry on top
- 辩证不是什么都不相信
- 场子是怎么热起来的
- [请/拷/自/疑/质/询…]问
- Relatable Characters
- Spend some time with it
- Show me your collection
- Luxurious Personal Time
- It was nice talking to you
- there is a lot to talk about
- No one wants to get hurt
- A productive state of mind
- The more important thing
- What are the combinations?
- I might take it easy this time
- Learn about your community
- what are you used to talking about
- Different Modes/Moods/Masks
- Strong Feelings/ Weak Feelings
- Over reading can be exhausting
- You are not supposed to see that
- There is a record of it somewhere
- believed to possess a special power
- Don’t know what is good anymore
- Does that remind you of anything?
- Let’s all reflect some light onto it
- How are proper introductions given?
- What’s the hottest thing you can find
- They always know the good options
- They rarely talk to people about that
- CCT [Corporate Controlled Territories]
- [Expensive/costly/valuable…] decisions
- My 3Ds [Divisions/Decisions/Devices]
- I thought that I had seen through it all
- I didn’t get a chance to talk to everyone
- “Things that I only do when I am alone?”
- service it before it is no longer fixable
- [First person, second place, third party]
- If I could have been more honest about it
- to be honest with you, I am not good at…
- Leave people’s associations to themselves
- plan-organize-integrate-motivate-measure
- [How/when/why/who/where] to [Pull/Push]
- Sudden Passion vs. Slow Growing Affection
- “Don’t feel like you have to share anything”
- Stick to the 3Rs, Role/Rule/Responsibility
- You can talk about me like that only after I die
- off the record, under the table, behind the door
- 需要怎样的容器Which container is preferred?
- At that age, they can learn about anything quickly
- Somebody said something somewhere at sometime
- What kind of 3is [information/interest/integration] is needed?
- It provides great opportunities for miraculous timings
- Not everyone will find what you do relatable, but someone definitely will.