Bounce Sheet #1 - 08/12/2021

  1. 敏感
  2. 壮观
  3. 无聊
  4. 正式
  5. 分部
  6. 认生
  7. 镇定
  8. 客气
  9. 快了
  10. 占坑
  11. 发作
  12. 内藏
  13. 外露
  14. 别撞了
  15. 别装了
  16. 人与电
  17. 不懂事
  18. 打配合
  19. 找人玩
  20. 找问题
  21. 别乱看
  22. 人气旺
  23. 玩脱了
  24. 喘口气
  25. 掏家伙
  26. 没记住
  27. 没想到
  28. 价值观
  29. 沉住气
  30. 有意思
  31. 弹药库
  32. Fishing
  33. 好不好玩
  34. 意思一下
  35. 有感而发
  36. 脱胎换骨
  37. 浑然天成
  38. 整体还行
  39. 细嚼慢咽
  40. 平起平坐
  41. 没有恶意
  42. 闭门造车
  43. 冠冕堂皇
  44. 承上启下
  45. 趁还新鲜
  46. Very Bold
  47. 集体主义
  48. 不要写错
  49. 太过瘾了
  50. 独自享用
  51. 咬文嚼字
  52. 莫能量可
  53. 再攒一攒
  54. 好不好玩
  55. 彬彬有礼
  56. 浅尝辄止
  57. Traceless
  58. No Brainer
  59. Feels Right
  60. 多做深呼吸
  61. 夏天的身体
  62. 四两拨千斤
  63. 一切都变了
  64. 正在兴头上
  65. 没多大关系
  66. You do you
  67. Slow Down
  68. multi-player
  69. 有点儿心疼
  70. 常回去看看
  71. 不愿被打搅
  72. 感不感兴趣
  73. 不要瞎答应
  74. Cliff Dance
  75. Stay afloat
  76. Edge Slider
  77. Anti-Toxic
  78. a good talk
  79. A proposition
  80. Almost There
  81. No Mistakes
  82. Keep Pushing
  83. trapped unit
  84. Contribution
  85. single-player
  86. Blood & Money
  87. Roll a few dices
  88. Flip a few coins
  89. Touch Down
  90. Humble past
  91. Trading Post
  92. Get it all out
  93. Take it all in
  94. 抽时间聊聊
  95. Write it up
  96. Ponder on it
  97. Figure it out
  98. intended pun
  99. 出去接个电话
  100. 我怎嘛那么蠢
  101. 改到满意为止
  102. 终于转回来了
  103. 一个矫情的人
  104. 漫无目的的走
  105. A cool formula
  106. 你以为你看到了
  107. Keep Rubbing
  108. Boys and girls
  109. Lift the Stone
  110. Go a long way
  111. A large surface
  112. The bests outfit
  113. I’ll do it with you
  114. 切换 [口味/人设]
  115. 表达观点的机会
  116. 惬意温暖的下午
  117. 原来可以这么用
  118. 祝你们少点磕绊
  119. Keep the dates
  120. 人们更容易接受
  121. Hold Your Ground
  122. Try Something New
  123. I don’ fuck with that
  124. 余光看到的不能算
  125. 以谁的记录为准?
  126. Knowledge Worker
  127. I thought about it
  128. All Fired Up
  129. A Leak
  130. I Forgot
  131. Gift Shop
  132. Partner up
  133. Let it shine
  134. I get it now
  135. Just Ask
  136. New Forms
  137. Pessimsim
  138. It’s good work
  139. good timings
  140. Unbelievable
  141. Open Water
  142. In Progress
  143. I can relate
  144. Almost Done
  145. its not passive
  146. 就是他/她/它
  147. A good player
  148. What’s easy?
  149. ps. Post Script
  150. Keep Cracking
  151. It will be alright
  152. Face the Fear
  153. Human Failure
  154. Handsome work
  155. It felt like a robot
  156. Use it differently
  157. Default Position
  158. I can’t believe it
  159. Villains Speech
  160. Cut to the Chase
  161. The Connection
  162. Level of sanitation
  163. It belongs to you
  164. Behind the Mask
  165. 目睹成长的过程
  166. Free 72 oz Steak
  167. More Resolutions
  168. An epic relationship
  169. How do you use…?
  170. It meant a lot to me
  171. no one is watching
  172. Cross Culture Club
  173. Just be a tree then
  174. Genius ingredients
  175. I know who you are
  176. No more homework
  177. Different Languages
  178. 单纯不是什么都相信
  179. 对于个人经历的叙述
  180. Practicing to use tools
  181. Don’t be a perfectionist
  182. Don’t easily give away
  183. 都已经到这个地步了
  184. A Cherished Moment
  185. Borderline Vandalism
  186. You are already here
  187. Put a cherry on top
  188. 辩证不是什么都不相信
  189. 场子是怎么热起来的
  190. [请/拷/自/疑/质/询…]问
  192. Relatable Characters
  193. Spend some time with it
  194. Show me your collection
  195. Luxurious Personal Time
  196. It was nice talking to you
  197. there is a lot to talk about
  198. No one wants to get hurt
  199. A productive state of mind
  200. The more important thing
  201. What are the combinations?
  202. I might take it easy this time
  203. Learn about your community
  204. what are you used to talking about
  205. Different Modes/Moods/Masks
  206. Strong Feelings/ Weak Feelings
  207. Over reading can be exhausting
  208. You are not supposed to see that
  209. There is a record of it somewhere
  210. believed to possess a special power
  211. Don’t know what is good anymore
  212. Does that remind you of anything?
  213. Let’s all reflect some light onto it
  214. How are proper introductions given?
  215. What’s the hottest thing you can find
  216. They always know the good options
  217. They rarely talk to people about that
  218. CCT [Corporate Controlled Territories]
  219. [Expensive/costly/valuable…] decisions
  220. My 3Ds [Divisions/Decisions/Devices]
  221. I thought that I had seen through it all
  222. I didn’t get a chance to talk to everyone
  223. “Things that I only do when I am alone?”
  224. service it before it is no longer fixable
  225. [First person, second place, third party]
  226. If I could have been more honest about it
  227. to be honest with you, I am not good at…
  228. Leave people’s associations to themselves
  229. plan-organize-integrate-motivate-measure
  230. [How/when/why/who/where] to [Pull/Push]
  231. Sudden Passion vs. Slow Growing Affection
  232. “Don’t feel like you have to share anything”
  233. Stick to the 3Rs, Role/Rule/Responsibility
  234. You can talk about me like that only after I die
  235. off the record, under the table, behind the door
  236. 需要怎样的容器Which container is preferred?
  237. At that age, they can learn about anything quickly
  238. Somebody said something somewhere at sometime
  239. What kind of 3is [information/interest/integration] is needed?
  240. It provides great opportunities for miraculous timings
  241. Not everyone will find what you do relatable, but someone definitely will.

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