Bounce Sheet #2 - 10/18/2021

  1. 感觉不妙
  2. 登峰造极
  3. 深入人心
  4. 偏…化
  5. 密集火力
  6. Give a go
  7. “what is it”
  8. 指那打哪
  9. 首赞是谁
  10. First solo
  11. 找感觉的人
  12. 署名权之战
  13. Set a Cap
  14. 釋放與抒發
  15. 抛开一切说
  16. 续航/时/命
  17. 有反差怎么了?
  18. When to stop
  19. “I took it back”
  20. Let me drive
  21. “I told you so”
  22. Crystallization
  23. You freed me
  24. 训练面部肌肉
  25. Top shelf baby
  26. Since when…?
  27. How desprate?
  28. Smells like piss
  29. anything anytime
  30. It poked my eyes
  31. Soul Searching
  32. “Forgive myself”
  33. Train your dragon
  34. 趁领先,优化一下
  35. 别多管闲事,专业点
  36. what is recognizable
  37. 答非所问/答为所问
  38. Out of politeness
  39. 常用道具有些什么
  40. What’s done is done
  41. 下面插播一条广告
  42. The perfect record
  43. who‘s the first like?
  44. Humanly simplified
  45. 不好意思,太激动了
  46. 被贫穷限制了想象
  47. Manmade sacrifices
  48. I can handle myself
  49. break under pressure
  50. Sorry I got too excited
  51. “what are you doing?”
  52. Join the conversation
  53. Remember to go home
  54. What speed do you take
  55. 凭什么觉得自己不行?…
  56. walk with your knowledge
  57. 全面升级Fully Upgraded
  58. 之前从未有过那样的情况
  59. I was thinking about you
  60. “再这样下去会出事情的”
  61. Cash it before it expires
  62. how to use your image?
  63. People and their struggles
  64. As long as no body knows
  65. They are there for a reason
  66. How to Maintain an image
  67. Choose a theme [song…]
  68. 什么时候会觉得看到头了?
  69. For the exclusive information
  70. what made me bow my head?
  71. 什麼叫只要現在沒在做就好了?
  72. Time for some new references
  73. You make yourself that person
  74. No one will treat you like I do
  75. Find ways to talk about things
  76. 「进【前进/回顾/后退/遐想】退」
  77. at first, people didn’t understand
  78. Made familiar and then 发生关系
  79. how many, how deep, how come?
  80. Don’t take it as a sign of weakness
  81. The work/personal/thinking persona
  82. How long has that doc been kept for?
  83. I live with people with strong opinions
  84. Stream of observation to fit a function
  85. 别人的认可/赞同/否认/质疑/倾诉/怜悯
  86. 断尾,断指,断肢,断头,断气,断命
  87. I wish I had known you better by that time
  88. That helped me to make my best work!!!
  89. That’s how I reclaim my tools/weapons
  90. “No problem is too big to run away from”
  91. That hard long deep talk about something
  92. Over thinking about a particular impression
  93. Humans are capable of articulating chances
  94. “What is not cool, what is cool, what is too cool”
  95. It will eventually end, and something else will start…
  96. 【[Professional vs. personal/Expression vs. contemplation]】
  97. How has your perception of love grown over the years of loving each other?
  98. [engineer, farmer, artist, scientist, monk, soldier, doctor, magician, mother, father]
  99. By making that mark, you allow yourself to encounter it again as its creator-time-travel

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